Conférenciers en plénière

Conférenciers en plénière

We are delighted to announce our plenary speakers for ICCH 2024:

Shak Rehman

Shakaib (Shak) Rehman, MD, MACP, CSH, FACH, FAMIA, FEACH

Le Dr Rehman est chef de l'éducation et directeur fondateur de la pratique académique chez Phoenix VA Healthcare Systems. Il est également président/professeur du département d'informatique, professeur d'humanisme, président du comité d'admission et du comité de formation médicale supérieure au Collège de médecine de l'Université d'Arizona à Phoenix.

He is the Chair of Policy and Practice Committee (pEACH) of International Association on Communication in Healthcare (EACH). He has served as the President of the Society of General Internal Medicine Mountain Region; Vice-President of the Academy on Communications in Healthcare (ACH); an Conference Chair, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) 2023.

He has been invited to teach courses and workshops around the world on topics related to “Healthcare Communication”.

He has been awarded the Master of the American College of Physicians, Fellow of EACH, the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society best teacher etc. He has received  more than 100 teaching and mentoring awards & published hundreds of articles and book chapters.

Sarah J White, PhD SFHEA

Dr Sarah J White is a Conversation Analyst and Qualitative Health Researcher and has worked in Clinical Communication and Safety and Quality research, teaching, and policy for over 15 years.

Sarah dirige un programme de recherche innovant visant à améliorer la communication entre cliniciens et patients avec un accent particulier sur l'analyse des consultations enregistrées. Ce travail éclaire l'approche pédagogique de Sarah, où elle intègre des données naturalistes à des activités expérientielles et à une évaluation authentique. Sarah possède de l'expérience dans l'enseignement dans tous les domaines de la formation supérieure et continue, en particulier auprès des étudiants et des prestataires de soins de santé.

Sarah White
Arwen Pieterse

Arwen H. Pieterse, PhD

Dr Arwen H. Pieterse, PhD is Associate Professor in Medical Decision Making at Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands) and visiting professor at the University of Oslo (Norway). With her research she aims to add value to the care for this patient, by advancing our understanding of how to best integrate the medical evidence and what is important to individual patients in decisions about their treatment. Dr Pieterse is nationally and internationally renowned for her multidisciplinary research on the conceptualization, measurement, and advancement of SDM. An SDM model that she authored ( has been widely adopted in (continuing) medical education in The Netherlands. She uses a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to study authentic clinical interactions and outcomes mostly in hospital care, using observational and experimental designs, and involving clinicians and patient representatives. In 2018, she received the Jozien Bensing research award from the International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH).

Roger Ruiz Moral

Professor Roger Ruiz Moral is Professor of Medicine and Clinical Communication at the Francisco de Vitoria University, Madrid, Spain. Director of the Medical Education Unit of the School of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Francisco de Vitoria University. A prolific author, Roger Ruiz Moral has contributed over 170 scientific publications and authored seven books, including “The CICAA Model of Communication Skills for Clinical Practice” and “Medical Education for Clinicians.”

Roger Ruiz