International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2024) was held from 9-13 September 2024 in Zaragoza, Spain at the Residencia de Estudiantes Ramón Pignatelli Zaragoza
La conférence rassemble la communauté des chercheurs, des enseignants, des praticiens et des décideurs politiques du monde entier dans le domaine de la santé. Il offre une opportunité unique d’échange international et interactif d’idées et de résultats d’activités d’éducation, de recherche et de politique entre individus et institutions. Les participants auront l’occasion de réseauter et de partager leur travail à travers une variété de sessions diverses et passionnantes.
Here are a selection of photographs from the conference:
ICCH 2024 est organisé par EACH, en partenariat avec notre organisation sœur ACH (Académie de communication dans le domaine de la santé).
ICCH 2024 propose :
- Haute qualité, divers programme
- Renommé conférenciers principaux
- Très interactif séances
- Temps dédié à discussion et débat
- Abondant la mise en réseau opportunités
- Un extrêmement accueil chaleureux à tous!
Veuillez noter que si vous ne pouvez pas assister à cet événement en personne, des billets en ligne seront uniquement disponibles.
Not an EACH member?
If you join EACH you qualify for a discounted conference fee which covers the cost of your membership?
Fellowship Award (Now closed)
In 2022 the Executive Committee of EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare in collaboration with the EACH Advisory Committee (AC), honoured 6 members who have made substantial contributions to the mission of EACH with a Fellowship in EACH. EACH would like to do this again in 2024.
La mission de EACH est de fournir une communauté professionnelle académique et pratique aux personnes impliquées dans la recherche et l'amélioration de la communication dans le domaine des soins de santé. Le Camaraderie est un titre honorifique qui sera conféré sur une base semestrielle lors de CHAQUE réunion de l'ICCH organisée.
Vous pouvez consulter les critères d'éligibilité pour devenir Fellow sur le site Web (
Le comité des bourses supervisera le processus de sélection. Les membres du comité sont chargés de faire des recommandations finales à l'exécutif concernant les candidats éligibles.
A Fellowship ceremony will take place at ICCH 2024 in Zaragoza, hosted by EACH. At the ceremony we will publicly honour the EACH Fellows and their contributions to advancing the mission of EACH throughout the world.
Possibilités de parrainage
Sponsorship opportunities for varying amounts are available. Please email pour plus d'informations.
Comité ICCH 2024
Les membres du Comité ICCH 2024 sont :

Gozie Offiah, présidente du comité de planification, Irlande
Dr Gozie Offiah practised medicine (with a background in Surgery) for over 15 years in the Health Service Executive (HSE). Dr Gozie Offiah is an Associate Professor and Director of Curriculum at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland. Gozie has been an EACH member for about 10 years and a member of tEACH, the teaching subcommittee of EACH.

Corina Barbaros, coprésidente du comité de planification, Roumanie
Corina Barbaros Associate Professor at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Lasi, Romania. Corina has been a member of EACH since 2018, where she took on the role of National Representative for Romania in 2020, she is also a member of the pEACH sub-group. Taking up the role of vice-chair of ICCH2024 offered Corina a unique opportunity to drive meaningful discussions that can transform global healthcare practices. She is passionate about fostering collaboration and innovation among healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes and communication strategies. This position allows her to leverage her expertise and contribute to the advancement of the field, ensuring that effective communication becomes a cornerstone of healthcare delivery worldwide.

Richard Brown, représentant présidentiel, États-Unis
Richard Brown Ph.D FACH is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Policy at VCU School of Medicine. He is the Director for Communication Innovations in Health Care Laboratory, a Co-Director at Massey Health Communication and Digital Innovation Core and an Associate Editor at Patient Education and Counseling. Richard has been with EACH since 2000 and joined to attend the inaugural conference in Warwick England. His motivation to join the planning committee was to serve as a member to advance to goals of the conference and to act as liaison as president elect between the PC and the Executive.

Lode Verreyen, président du comité EACH Networking, Belgique
Lode was trained as physiotherapist and works as such in a large multidisciplinary private practice in Antwerp. He also was assistant at the department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care of the Ghent University. He also was responsible for the training program of simulated patients. Within tEACH he is co-lead, together with Prof. Katrien Bombeke, of the Work Place Based Teaching Tips group.

Claudia Kiessling, représentante pédagogique de EACH, Allemagne
Claudia Kiessling is a medical doctor by training with a master in Public Health working as a full professor at Witten/Herdecke University, Germany since 2018. She has been involved in teaching and assessment of clinical communication for the last 25 years with a focus on undergraduate medial education. Claudia Kiessling has been involved with EACH activities since 15 years. She has been member of TEACH, subgroup assessment, since 2011. EACH is the most important scientific community for her when it comes to networking and exchanging experience and evidence regarding clinical communication. Therefore, it is a great pleasure for her to support the planning of ICCH 2024 to make it to a fantastic, exciting and inspiring conference for all participants.

Panayiota Andreaou, représentant de recherche EACH, Chypre
Panayiota Andreaou is a health psychologist working at the University of Nicosia Medical School, involved in teaching and assessment of healthcare communication skills for the past 8 years. Panayiota has been involved with EACH activity in the past few years but more systematically in the last 2-3 years. She is a member of rEACH and the scientific committee, representing at the planning committee. Being part of the PC and the SC is a great learning experience of what’s happening behind the scenes to set-up such a fascinating and exciting conference! It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet and work with so many people across the world, to share thoughts, questions and think of solutions to arising challenges linked to practical and scientific-related issues of the conference.

Shak Rehman, représentant politique de EACH, États-Unis
Dr. Rehman is the Chief of Education & Founding Director of Academic Practice at the Phoenix VA Healthcare Systems. He also serves as the Chair/Professor of Department of Informatics, Professor of Humanism, Chair, Admissions Committee & Graduate Medical Education Committee at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix. Shakaib has been attending ICCH/EACH since 2000. He is representing pEACH on the Planning Committee as well as being one of our Plenary Speakers for 2024.

India Pinker, représentante de Young@EACH, Luxembourg
Dr India Pinker is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Ageing Cancer and Disparities Research Group at the Luxembourg Institute of Health. She is originally from South Africa which has culminated in her love for animals, sport and exploration. India has been a member of EACH since she took part in the rEACH Summer School in 2021 and never looked back. She now chairs the Early Career SIG and co-chair rEACH. EACH has provided India with the warmest and most inspiring community, helping her find her place in the fascinating and multidisciplinary field of health communication. ICCH conferences are the actualisation of this community ethos and this is why she was thrilled to have the opportunity to join the planning committee to help bring it to life once again for 2024.

Anita Laidlaw, Scientific Committee Lead, UK
Anita Laidlaw is currently Director of the Centre for Healthcare Education Research and Innovation at the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Anita has been a member of EACH for 13 years and a member of rEACH for four years. Anita joined the Scientific committee for the ICCH 2024 as it’s interesting to get an overview of all of the research that is going on and consider how best to assist attendees by ensuring they experience quality presentations on up-to-date research that is co-ordinated into a logical structure.

Julia Menichetti Delor, Scientific Committee Lead, Norway
Julia Menichetti is a Psychologist, researcher at Akershus University Hospital (Norway), experience with video-analysis and qualitative methods, focus on doctor-patient information sharing. She has been a member of EACH for 6 years. Julia joined the Scientific Committee because she was moved by desire for learning and connecting with new people, and supporting an organization that she considers her extended homeplace.

Alexia Papageorgiou, Scientific Committee Lead, Cyprus
Professor Alexia Papageorgiou, BA, MSc, PhD. Clinical Communication Professor and Chair of the Centre of Medical Education, University of Nicosia Medical School, Basic and Clinical Sciences Department, Nicosia, Cyprus. Alexia has been affiliated with ICCH since 2004. Serving on the Scientific Committee allows Alexia to directly experience the latest advancements in her field and, most importantly, to contribute meaningfully to our exceptional community of educators, researchers, and policymakers in healthcare communication.

Evelyn Watson, Scientific Committee Lead, UK
Dr. Evelyn Watson is a Lecturer within the School of Medicine, University of St Andrews. She is lead for communication skills teaching in Undergraduate medical students and is involved in delivering Health Professions Education course. She has been involved in researching/developing teaching of empathy in Medical Education. She has been involved with EACH since 2020 as co- lead for training groups and has recently taken up the role of chair for rEACH.

Rosa Magallón, Représentante locale, Espagne
Dr Rosa Magallon is a family doctor, with more than 30 years of experience in clinical practice. She is Professor of the Department of Medicine of Zaragoza University, expert in Healthcare Communication. Coordinator of the Primary Care Research Program of the Health Research Institute of Aragon. Rosa is Researcher of the Research Network on Chronicity, Health Services and Primary Care of the Carlos III Health Institute.
Judy Chang, représentante de l'Académie de communication dans les soins de santé (ACH), États-Unis
Margarida Braga, représentante du Comité consultatif, Portugal
Marjeta Svetel, représentante du Comité consultatif, Slovénie
Comité d'examen scientifique
Panayiota Andreou, Chypre
Anita Laidlaw, Royaume-Uni
Julia Menichetti Delor, Norvège
Alexia Papageorgiou, Chypre
Inde Pinker, Luxembourg
Evelyn Watson, Royaume-Uni
Réseaux sociaux
Participez à la conversation sur le 1TP5ENSEIGNER pages de médias sociaux, y compris Twitter, Facebook, Instagram et LinkedIn. #ICCH2024 #EACHconférence #Zaragoza2024
EACH recommend accessing the link below, hosted by the World Wildlife Fund, to learn about the different impacts of their activities on the climate, ways of reducing that impact, and carbon-offsetting schemes that delegates can use.
This information is suitable for all delegates of ICCH 2024, whether attending in-person or online, and irrespective of the means of travel to ICCH 2023 for delegates attending in person.
3-Point plan from Gold Standard:
- Measure your climate impact
Using the World Wildlife Fund carbon footprint calculator. - Reduce your impact
The website lists practical tips in the categories of Home, Travel, Shopping, Food, Energy etc. - Offset
If carbon offsetting is going to be used, they recommend using a ‘Gold Standard’ certified offsetting project.
- Measure your climate impact
They list a range of projects and you can buy a unit of offsetting (one tonne) from $10 USD depending on the project.