Training in sensitive and skilful communication
Anglia Ruskin Campus, Cambridge
Discussing prognosis, disease progression & ceilings of care is a challenging task which has become an integral part of many health professionals’ role. This new two-day experiential course has been developed by subject experts to help clinicians with these essential conversation & aims to help them to:
- identifier les patients risquant de mourir dans les 12 prochains mois
- engager des conversations avec ces patients sur leur état de santé et leurs options, ainsi que sur leurs valeurs, objectifs et priorités
- permettre aux préférences des patients d'être entendues, respectées et enregistrées
A qui s’adresse le cours ?
All senior Healthcare staff that regularly conduct goals of care conversations across the range of healthcare settings (secondary & primary care). We particularly encourage staff working in acute and hospital care to apply.
What does the course involve?:
The course involves 2 full days of training in groups of 8-10 healthcare professionals
The skills for conducting this type of conversation are explored & practiced by participants through roleplay with the simulated patient
Each group is lead by a highly skilled facilitator & simulated patient
Quel est le coût?
450 £ par participant
Comment réserver une place ?
S'il vous plaît envoyer un courriel