Iraq webinar – Recognizing and overcoming inadequate health literacy as a barrier to healthcare


25 mai 2023    
21h00 - 22h00

Details on attached flyer

The time stated is local time in Baghdad

There are an appalling number of patients who cannot take an active part in their own care because they cannot read
enough. Compounding the problem, we are speaking in a specialized “medical” foreign language, which is often
incomprehensible to the community. In addition, many patients are experts at masking their poor reading and writing
skills. Inefficient health knowledge can measure the ill effects on patients’ health. Given the increasing complexity of
healthcare, which requires more effective patient participation to address the common poor health literacy, this
problem is not adequately appreciated, and better ways should be found to communicate with patients with poor
health knowledge more effectively.
The symposium will deal with identifying the extent of the problem in Iraqi and Arab society and techniques for
improving the communication of health staff with patients with low reading and writing skills to increase their
commitment to the treatment program.

The speaker is:

Ali Azeez Al-Jumaili, BS Pharm, MS, MPH, PhD in Pharmaceutical Socioeconomics
Faculty member at the University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy, Baghdad, Iraq. Visiting Professor of
Public Health, UC Davis School of Medicine / PHS Dept., CA, USA. Adjunct Assistant Professor at the
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, IA, USA


The webinar will be chaired by:

Abdul-Salam Sultan, National rep for Iraq.




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