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Name des Seniors: Sarah Peters
Verfügbarkeit: 0/3
Teilnahme an der ICCH 2024: Persönlich

Paarung – Junior
Titel: Professor of Health Psychology
Institution: University of Manchester
Disziplin: Psychologie
Langjährige Erfahrung: 20


  • Medizinisch ungeklärte körperliche Symptome
  • Patientenaufklärung
  • Beziehung zwischen Patient und Anbieter
  • Qualitative Methoden
  • RCT
  • Systematische Literaturrecherche

Schlüsselwörter, die Fachwissen und Interesse beschreiben:
  1. behavior change
Fachgebiet, Interessenschwerpunkte und Beratungsthemen:

My research focuses on healthcare communication, particularly within challenging contexts, such as medically unexplained symptoms, unhealthy behaviours and suicide. The goal of my work is to improve patient care and a key aspect is how to equip health professionals to communicate more effectively with patients, relatives and colleagues. I use a range of methods but specialise in how to integrate qualitative methods within randomised controlled trials to examine mechanisms of action, acceptability, feasibility and implementation of psychological and educational interventions.


My background is in psychology. I am Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Manchester, UK, and since 2022 have been director of the Manchester Centre for Health Psychology, the largest international group of health psychologists. I am a keen supporter of early career staff and building capacity in the next generation of healthcare communication researchers

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