ABGESAGT: So unterrichten Sie: Unterrichten experimenteller Kommunikationsfähigkeiten


27. Mai 2020 - 29. Mai 2020    
Den ganzen Tag


Wer sollte teilnehmen

The course is directed towards teachers of health professionals (for example medical students, nurses, physiotherapists, doctors) and we would encourage teachers with a variety of experience of experiential learning to apply.

Kurs „How to Teaching“.

This three day, non-residential course will be highly interactive, participant-centred and experiential. It will be facilitated by experienced teachers from the teaching committee of EACH: International Association of Communication in Healthcare. Feedback from previous courses has been extremely positive.

The course will be held in English and as much as possible will accommodate participants for whom English is not their first language. We are also aware that different institutions in different countries will have varying resources in terms of available teachers, simulated patients and technology.

The focus will be on how to teach, especially facilitation of small groups, rather than what to teach or how to develop a curriculum. As a result of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Wenden Sie die Bildungstheorie an, um ein effektives Training für Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu gestalten.
  • Beschreiben Sie die Schlüsselkomponenten effektiver Trainingseinheiten für erfahrungsbezogene Kommunikationsfähigkeiten.
  • Verwenden Sie Rollenspiele, Videos, kleine Gruppen und simulierte Patienten, um die Kommunikationsfähigkeiten der Lernenden zu verbessern.
  • Strukturieren Sie Feedback, um das Lernen in Kommunikationstrainings zu verbessern:
  • und Strategien zum Umgang mit der Dynamik großer und kleiner Gruppen in Kommunikationstrainingssitzungen beschreiben.

Programme of Courses

Please note this course is not about curriculum development in communication teaching or assessment. tEACH, the teaching committee of EACH: International Association of Communication in Healthcare, will also run 2 further courses in 2019:

  1. Was im Kommunikationskompetenzunterricht zu lehren ist: Fähigkeiten und Struktur
  2. Herausforderungen im Erlebnisunterricht

Participants are welcome to attend several courses in succession. Participants who are new to communication skills teaching are encouraged to attend in the order ‘What to teach’, ‘How to teach’ and the ‘Challenges in Experiential Teaching’