المطورين: Yvan Leanza

سنة النشر: 2003

تاريخ آخر مراجعة: 21 أكتوبر 2019

الإعداد الذي تم فيه تطوير/التحقق من صحة الأداة في الأصل: Pediatrics

القيود على الإعداد (الإعدادات): لا أحد

المجموعة المستهدفة: All

اللغات): فرنسي

الترجمات (الترجمات): إنجليزي

موضوعات الأداة:

سلوك الاتصال العام / سلوك الاتصال العام

بنيات / سلوكيات محددة:

Implicit discourse content (voices) and (absence of) meaning coconstruction

The Voice of Lifeworld (VoL) and the Voice of Medicine (VoM). A voice is пthe realization in speech of underlying normative ordersН (Mishler, 1984). The VoL is the contextual understanding of health issues. It is opposed to the Voice of Medicine (VoM), the technical, decontextualized scientific assumptions of medicine. Looking at the dynamic between the two in a medical consultation enables to see if and how meaning can be generated out of the communication.

أنواع البيانات المطلوبة لاستخدام الأداة: Video recordings, Transcripts

تطبيق المقصود: التعليم والبحث

المرجع (المراجع) إلى ورقة (أوراق) التطوير/المصادقة:

1. Leanza, Y. (2004). P_diatres, parents migrants et interprЏtes communautaires : un dialogue de sourds ? Cahiers de lНinstitut lausannois des sciences du langage [Num_ro sp_cial], 16, 131-158.

2. Leanza, Y., Boivin, I., & Rosenberg, E. (2010). Interruptions and resistance: a comparison of medical consultations with family and trained interpreters. Social Science & Medicine, 70(12), 1888-1895. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.02.036

3. Leanza, Y., Boivin, I. & Rosenberg, E. (2013). The patientsН Lifeworld: Building meaningful clinical encounters between patients, physicians and interpreters. Communication and Medicine 10(1), 13-25. http://dx.doi.org/10.1558/cam.v10i1.13

الأداة/الدليل متاح: نعم.

وصف الأداة من قبل المؤلف:

This tool helps understand what happens to the Voice of Lifeworld when expressed. Is it ignored, blocked, rationalized, recognized, is it merged with the Voice of Medicine to build some new meanings. The description obtained can help researchers and probably educators and trainees. No specific training is required, but a good understanding of Habermas Lifeworld and System concepts (as interpreted by Mishler for example) is necessary.

وصول: عام