Clinical and communication skills theme stage 2 Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Dealing with diversity 2 (Women’s health)

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Objectif de l'outil : Comment enseigner

Thèmes de communication :
La communication interculturelle

Type d'outil : Guide de l'animateur, Rencontre clinique simulée

Langue: Anglais

Objectif de l'outil :
Initiate an interview, gather information, structure the consultation, build the relationship, gain further skills in gathering information and explore the communication issue of cultural and social diversity

Brève description:
This teaching tool is the second of a series of three workshops on dealing with diversity in the clinical and communication skills theme. This stage 2 explores what influences both students and patients cultural and social identity and what difficulties might arise for students when they meet and interview a patient from a culture different to their own.

Objectifs du programme de base HPCCC

A. Communication avec les patients :
La communication interculturelle

Accéder: Publique

Votre nom et adresse professionnelle, ainsi que vos co-auteurs et adresses :Jonathan Silverman