Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS)


Développeurs : Debra Roter

Année de publication: 1977 (first use)

Date de la dernière révision : 18 septembre 2019

Contexte dans lequel l'outil a été initialement développé/validé : The RIAS was first used and validated in primary care settings in the US and the Netherlands but it has also been used in the following settings: Emergency medicine, OB/GYN, Family planning, Surgery, Oncology, HIV, Pharmacy, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Genetic Counseling, Telemedicine, Mental health

Restriction aux paramètres : Aucun

Groupe ciblé: Clinicians and care providers of all kinds, including community Health Workers and Peer counselors; patients and health care clients in the developed and developing world

Langue(s) : Anglais

Traductions : Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Swiss/German

Thèmes des outils :

Comportement de communication général / Comportement de communication global
Communication centrée socio-émotionnelle
Communication orientée tâche/technique/instrumentale

Constructions/comportements spécifiques :

RIAS consists of 40 largely parallel categories of talk assigned to each speaker in the medical encounter, with a handful of codes that are unique to a clinician or patient. Each code is assigned to a discrete statement that captures a complete thought and to which a classification may be assigned. These statements may vary in length from a single word to a simple sentence but is limited to conveying a single thought or item of interest. Compound sentences are often divided at the conjunction. RIAS category codes are defined by form and content (task or affective), and are straightforward and intuitive. The codes are flexible and responsive to study content, allowing for tailoring of categories.

Types de données requises pour utiliser l'outil : Enregistrements vidéo, enregistrements audio

Application prévue : Recherche

Référence(s) au(x) document(s) de développement/validation :

www.RIASWORKS.COM provides a bibliography of over 250 RIAS studies conducted world-wide that have contributed to the body of work that has validated the system.

Outil/manuel disponible : Oui. (I am willing to share the coding manual, training materials and associated documentation and publications. Not uploaded)

Informations supplémentaires sur les droits d'auteur ou d'autres questions : Debra Roter holds copyright protection of the RIAS. The RIAS may not be modified, adapted or changed in any way without written permission from the author. Reserchers are encouraged to use the system after training and with written approval by the author. Large-scale commercial, educational, or institutional use of the RIAS is not allowed without prior written authorization and agreement with the author.

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