Matchs d'appariement

Matchs d'appariement

Jumelage - Junior

Informations de base

Nom: Carlos Campos
Titre: Research fellow
Institution: University of Auckland
Discipline: Médecine
Des années d'expérience: 6


Trois mots-clés décrivant l’expertise et l’intérêt :
  1. communication patient-prestataire
  2. medical education
Description du domaine d'expertise, des intérêts majeurs et des sujets de consultation :

My main research interests relate to medical education in all settings (undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing medical education), communication in healthcare, and teaching of communication skills in medical training, with a special interest in general practice communication teaching. My research interests also included sleep health and education of medical students, patient safety threats, and, teamwork and communication. I have experience in several research methods, such as quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as reviews, using data collected from several sources such as interviews, videos, surveys, institutional data, clinical records review, and previously published papers.

Brève biographie:
