Matchs d'appariement

Matchs d'appariement

Jumelage - Junior

Informations de base

Nom: Claudia Kiessling
Titre: Professeur
Institution: Université Witten/Herdecke
Discipline: Médecine
Des années d'expérience: 25


Trois mots-clés décrivant l’expertise et l’intérêt :
  1. medical education
Description du domaine d'expertise, des intérêts majeurs et des sujets de consultation :

Work experience includes the development and implementation of medical education programmes, assessment, programme evaluation, and faculty development in medical education. Teaching experience includes problem based learning, clinical communication, teamwork, and professional identity formation (PIF). Research interests are the development and validation of assessment instruments in the field of clinical communication and the evaluation of educational interventions in medical education (mainly clinical communication, teamwork, aspects of PIF).

Brève biographie:

Claudia Kiessling is a medical doctor by training with a Master degree in Public Health. Actually, she holds the position of a chair and professor for the education of personal and interpersonal commpetencies health care at the Department for Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany. She has been involved in medical education since 1999, working in several universities in Germany and in Switzerland.
