Programme de jumelage – Liste des matchs (1)

Jumelage - Junior

Informations de base

Nom: Sarah Blanc
Titre: Maître de conférences
Institution: University of New South Wales
Discipline: Sociolinguistics / Conversation analysis
Des années d'expérience: 18


Trois mots-clés décrivant l’expertise et l’intérêt :

  1. conversation analysis

Description du domaine d'expertise, des intérêts majeurs et des sujets de consultation :

I have experience in (and am happy to talk about):
– conversation analysis and other observational research methods
– integrating research findings into teaching approaches
– working to influence policy

Brève biographie:

My goal is to support people to improve how they provide and access healthcare, developing and utilising evidence from research on actual practice. I achieve this through using experiential teaching methods, researching conversation, and communicating more broadly about the science of conversation, particularly as it relates to healthcare. This includes research on surgeon-patient consultations, telehealth, and pain talk. Findings from this and other research, as well as editorial and opinion articles, have been published and presented to a range of communication, clinical, and policy audiences.