Programme de jumelage – Liste des matchs (1)
Informations de base
Nom: Siyang Yuan
Titre: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Institution: University of Dundee
Discipline: Santé publique
Des années d'expérience: 8
Trois mots-clés décrivant l’expertise et l’intérêt :
- systematic observation
- patient-clinician interaction
Description du domaine d'expertise, des intérêts majeurs et des sujets de consultation :
I am interested in research to focus on how communication (patient-clinician interaction) could improve patient experience and therefore improve their health outcomes. In terms of research methodology, I used video observation to analyse the communication behaviours of triadic interaction (child patient-parent-dental professionals) to better understand how communication behaviours of the professional and parent could help improve child participation.
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