Atelier 3 : Former les formateurs – Comprendre les besoins des apprenants, des enseignants et des patients simulés impliqués dans l'enseignement en ligne


26 mai 2021    
14h00 - 17h00

Type d’évènement

This final workshop of the series aims to equip teachers with the necessary skills to train and support others to deliver online clinical communication skills teaching.

This workshop will share recent survey results and shared experience to consider how tutors, students and simulated patients can be best prepared in order to maximise the impact of the virtual clinical communication skills classroom. This workshop will include:

  • The Student Perspective -What do we know so far? What aspects of online clinical communication skills teaching are valued by students? What helps them to engage and what switches them off?
  • The Teacher’s Perspective – How can I prepare others to teach clinical communication skills online?
  • How do I begin to develop virtual sessions?  Considering the required changes to Teaching plans, Faculty training and Role-play scenarios etc.
  • The Patient’s Perspective – Giving a credible performance, the challenges of role- from the ‘waist up’?

Cliquez sur ici pour plus d’informations sur l’atelier et la série.