Early Career EACH – Webinar, Biographical Approach


25 Mar 2025    
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Type d’évènement

Biographical approach – a shift in how we approach doctor-patient relationships and care

The biographical approach explores how personal experiences shape an individuals beliefs, behaviours and overall life trajectory. Sharing part of one’s life story can initiate a process of self-education and lead to greater autonomy. It involves guiding individuals in constructing and sharing their personal stories. Collective sessions provide a space for attentive listening and reciprocal engagement.

In this workshop, we will focus on understanding the principles of the biographical approach, self experimentation in small groups and reflection on its possible applications in healthcare.

The speaker is Olivia Braillard

Olivia Braillard, a specialist in general internal medicine at the University Hospitals of Geneva since 2010, developed an interest in non­ biomedical approaches to illness through her experience with chronic disease patients. This shift in perspective encouraged Braillard to develop a more biographical approach to the doctor-patient relationship and care. Since 2021, she co­ developed and promoted biographical approach with patient suffering from post-COVID syndrome and chronic conditions.


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