The St Andrews Behavioural Interaction Coding Scheme (SABIC)


SABICS, Zhou et al. 2012

Desarrolladores: Yuefang Zhou, Elaine Cameron, Gillian Forbes, Gerry Humphris

Año de publicacion: 2012

Fecha de la última revisión: 21 octubre 2019

Entorno en el que se desarrolló/validó originalmente la herramienta: Interactions between dental nurses and nursery-school children

Restricción de entorno(s): When modified, this scheme is potentially applicable to any settings involving interactions between healthcare professioinals and young children

Grupo objetivo: Dental nurses and 3-4 years old nursery-school children

Idioma(s): Inglés

Temas de herramientas:

Comportamiento comunicativo general / Comportamiento comunicativo general

Construcciones/comportamientos específicos:

1) The fluoride varnish application as a dental preventive procedure 2) communiction skills to implement the dental procedure

Protocol behaviour, Nurse (verbal+non-verbal), Child (verbal + non-verbal). All behaviours were coded for both duration and frequency

Tipos de datos requeridos para utilizar la herramienta: Grabaciones de vídeo, grabaciones de audio, transcripciones.

Aplicación prevista: Investigación

Referencias a los documentos de desarrollo/validación:

Zhou, Y., Cameron, E., Forbes, G. & Humphris, G. M. (2012). Development of a novel coding scheme (SABICS) to record nurse-child interactive behaviours in a community dental preventive intervention. Patient Education and Counseling, 88, 268-276.

Herramienta/manual disponible: Sí.

Descripción de la herramienta por el autor:

The SABICS scheme was initially developed to record interactions between dental nurses and young children in a dental preventive setting. Training on the use of a piece of coding software (Observer XT) will be beneficial to coding efficiency and accuracy as timing of events can be recorded more accurately. The SABICS is initially intended for research in paediatric contexts. It can be potentially used for training and education purpose.

Acceso: Público