Intercultural communication resource pack

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Werkzeugschwerpunkt: Wie man unterrichtet

Zwischenkulturelle Kommunikation

Art des Werkzeugs: Leitfaden für Moderatoren

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2008

Sprache: Englisch

Zweck des Tools:
The booklet covers three main topics: intercultural communication and the individual, intercultural communication and groups, intercultural communication and society. It contains a kit of tools that aim to enhance intercultural communication competencies by e.g. enhancing self-awareness and self-reflection, providing theoretical inputs and references, self-assessment approaches, experiential learning, verbal and non-verbal communication.. in small and large groups learning.

Kurze Beschreibung:
This booklet is a comprehensive tool kit offering various approaches to teaching intercultual awareness and communication. Each tool provides information on the learning goals, group size, timing, didactic methods and material and gives concrete information on how to facilitate the sessions including debriefing and evaluation.

HPCCC-Kernziele des Lehrplans

A. Kommunikation mit Patienten:
Zwischenkulturelle Kommunikation

Zugang: Öffentlich

Ihr Name und Ihre Arbeitsadresse sowie Co-Autoren und Adressen:Intercultural communication resource pack_Salto_2008