Community based simulation exercise

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Werkzeugschwerpunkt: Was zu lehren ist

Gemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung

Art des Werkzeugs: Leitfaden für Moderatoren

Sprache: Englisch

Zweck des Tools:
To introduce students to the practice of medicine in a community environment and to highlight challenges that this creates. More specifically at the completion of the exercise we expect the students to be able to: identify difficulties in performing technical skills in a non-clinical environment, describe basic fundamentals of prescribing in the community, describe the difference between decision making and diagnosis, demonstrate an understanding of communication difficulties between secondary and primary care, identify and role-play doctor-patient communication skills helpful in a community setting, identify appropriate opportunities for health promotion.

Kurze Beschreibung:
Facilitator guide for combined plenary and experiential sessions focusing on history taking, breaking bad news, decision-making, and explanation and planning in a community based GP setting and communicating with colleagues within the ambulance and hospital setting.

A. Kommunikation mit Patienten:
Gathering information, Patient perspective, Giving information, explanation & planning

B. Intra- & zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation (Professionalität & Reflexion):

C. Kommunikation in Gesundheitsteams (professionelle Kommunikation):
Inter-professional/team communication

Zugang: Öffentlich

Ihr Name und Ihre Arbeitsadresse sowie Co-Autoren und Adressen:Rob Jarvis