Assessing suicide risk


Werkzeugschwerpunkt: Video

Health behaviour change

Art des Werkzeugs: Video

Veröffentlichungsjahr: .

Sprache: Englisch

Zweck des Tools:
Medical student interviewing a young man who has attempted suicide.

Kurze Beschreibung:
Educational video produced by Oxford University Press (OUP) online resources demonstrating a medical student interviewing a young man who has previously attempted suicide, in a clinical exam (OSCE) setting. The aim of the interview is to assess future risk of self harm. This is one of four scenarios available within the OUP resource centre which discusses the challenges of conducting a psychiatric interview. This resource includes a video, transcript of the interview, mark sheets and feedback with the aim of highlighting both excellent and poor communication skills.

HPCCC-Kernziele des Lehrplans

A. Kommunikation mit Patienten:
Dealing with strong emotions, Gathering information/listening, Patient perspective

B. Intra- & zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation (Professionalität & Reflexion):

C. Kommunikation in Gesundheitsteams (professionelle Kommunikation):

Zugang: Öffentlich

Ihr Name und Ihre Arbeitsadresse sowie Co-Autoren und Adressen:Sandra Winterburn