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Name des Seniors: Shuangyu Li
Verfügbarkeit: 1/3
Teilnahme an der ICCH 2024: Persönlich

Paarung – Junior
Titel: Reader in Clinical Communication & Cultural Competency, Director of King’s Cultural Competency Unit
Institution: King’s College London
Disziplin: Kommunikationswissenschaften
Langjährige Erfahrung: 16


Lernende, mit denen ich arbeite:
  • Bachelor
  • Postgraduierter
  • Kontinuierliche berufliche Weiterentwicklung
  • Lehrplangestaltung/-entwicklung
  • Erfahrungsorientierte Lehrmethoden (z. B. Rollenspiele)
  • Bildungsforschung
  • Simulierte Patienten
  • Schulung der Trainer (Fakultätsentwicklung)
Jahre, in denen ich im Bereich des Erlernens von Kommunikationsfähigkeiten gearbeitet habe: 16


  • Lehrplanentwicklung
  • Minderheiten/benachteiligte Bevölkerung
  • Medizinische Ausbildung
  • Beziehung zwischen Patient und Anbieter
  • Mitgestaltung
  • Mikroanalyse des persönlichen Dialogs
  • Gemischte Methoden
  • Beobachtende Studien
  • Partizipatives Lernen und Handeln
  • Qualitative Methoden
  • Systematische Literaturrecherche

Schlüsselwörter, die Fachwissen und Interesse beschreiben:
  1. Clinical communication, medical education, conversation analysis, language and cultural discordances
Fachgebiet, Interessenschwerpunkte und Beratungsthemen:

Field of expertise:
Medical Education, qualitative research methods (esp, conversation analysis, ethnography), interdisciplinary leadership

Major Interests:
Clinical communication, cultural competency, languages and cultures, inequality in consultations

Consultation topics:
Triadic consultations between doctor, patient and interpreter
General practice


Dr Shuangyu Li is a dedicated educationist and researcher with over 15 years of experience in clinical communication and cultural competency in medicine and healthcare. He has played a significant role in driving forward cultural competency and diversity education in UK medical education. Dr Li has developed substantial modules and subjects in one of the largest medical schools in the UK and holds strategic leadership roles both at King’s College London and nationally. He is committed to enabling a collaborative, co-creative, and empowering approach to education and research.

As a trained conversation analyst, Dr Li researches clinical consultations with language and cultural discordances, especially interpreter-mediated medical consultations. He is interested in an interdisciplinary and multimodal approach to interactional analysis of diversity issues, particularly how inclusion and empowerment manifest in communication. Dr Li’s current research focuses on conceptualising and localising cultural competency.

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