Verbundene Organisationen
EACH ist eine Reihe von Organisationen angeschlossen.

Patientenaufklärung und -beratung (PEC)
EACH ist stolz darauf, mit der Fachzeitschrift Patient Education and Counseling verbunden zu sein.
The 2012 impact factor of the journal has increased to 2.372 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary ranking: 4 (Q1)). PEC is now definitely the major dedicated healthcare communication research journal.

Die Academy of Communication in Healthcare: Schwesterorganisation von EACH
Die Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH) ist das berufliche Zuhause für alle, die sich für die Verbesserung der Kommunikation und Beziehungen im Gesundheitswesen einsetzen.
Its vision is to create a healthcare system where all patients, healthcare professionals, trainees, and researchers feel valued, are treated equitably with respect, compassion, understanding, and are actively engaged in healthcare processes and decisions. In odd numbered years, alternating with EACH, ACH hosts the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare.

Internationale Kommunikationsvereinigung (ICA)
EACH/ICA Partnership Working Group
2023-2024 Working Group Leads
Marie C. Haverfield
San José State University, USA (EACH member, ICA member)
Song Duimel
Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, NL (EACH member, ICA member)
EACH/ICA liaison
Marleah Kruzel (University of South Florida, EACH member, ICA member)
Beginning in December 2020, researchers who have been members of EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare but whose primary affiliation is the International Communication Association (ICA) and who are part of the Health Communication Division of ICA worked with leaders of EACH to create a partnership between the two organizations.
This partnership offers opportunities to be involved in both EACH and ICA, become involved in the discussion and potential collaboration opportunities through networking, mentoring, and public forums at conferences and online webinars. This partnership has potential to bring organizational structure for people who want to advance their own research and network across both organizations. At the collective level, the partnership expands our international networks to do research across country and disciplinary boundaries. The robust, theoretically-based work that is a foundation of ICA members, and the expertise in and access to healthcare communication of EACH members, provides a cornerstone for the future.
The EACH/ICA Partnership Working Group comprises researchers who are members of EACH and the Health Communication Division of ICA.
The aims of this Working Group are to:
- develop opportunities for members to be involved in both EACH and ICA
- foster collaboration through networking and mentoring, at public forums, conferences and online webinars.
At the collective level, the partnership expands our international networks to do research across country and disciplinary boundaries.
Working group members
Ashley P. Duggan (Boston College and Tufts University School of Medicine, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Marcy Rosenbaum (University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Evelyn Y. Ho (University of California San Francisco, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Matthew Matsaganis (Rutgers University, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Julia C.M. van Weert (University of Amsterdan, Netherlands), (EACH member, ICA member)
Arwen H. Pieterse (Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands), (EACH member, ICA member)
Nadine Bol (Tilburg University, Netherlands), (ICA member)
Sara Rubinelli (University of Lucerne, Switzerland), (EACH member, ICA member)
Marleah Dean (University of South Florida, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Carma Bylund (University of Florida, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Jenn Anderson (South Dakota State University, USA), (EACH member, ICA member)
Anna Kerr (Ohio University, USA), (ICA member)
Christopher J. Koenig (San Francisco State University, USA) (EACH member, ICA member)
Maria Lapinski-LaFaive (Michigan State University, USA) (ICA member)
Click here for the EACH and ICA Partnership report of 8 October 2022.
How to get involved
Feel free to contact our leads and/or existing members to learn more about joining our working group.

National Voices: professionelles Mitglied
EACH freut sich, ein professionelles Mitglied von National Voices geworden zu sein.
National Voices ist die Koalition von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen im Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen in England und hat als nationale Dachorganisation hervorragende Arbeit bei der Förderung einer personenzentrierten, koordinierten Gesundheitsversorgung im NHS geleistet.

WONCA: the World Organization of Family Doctors
Die Mission von WONCA besteht darin, die Lebensqualität der Völker der Welt durch die Definition und Förderung ihrer Werte, einschließlich der Achtung der universellen Menschenrechte und der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, sowie durch die Förderung hoher Versorgungsstandards in der Allgemeinmedizin/Hausarztmedizin zu verbessern.
Member benefits
Affiliate membership: Members of WONCA receive a 20% discount on EACH membership.
Current projects
EACH und WONCA haben in Projekten mit gemeinsamen Zielen und komplementärem Fachwissen zusammengearbeitet.
Beispiele hierfür sind eine kombinierte Schulung im Rahmen einer umfassenden Reform der Gesundheitspolitik in der Primärversorgung in Moldawien im Jahr 2016 und Schulungsworkshops für Hausärzte in Japan zur Verbesserung der Beurteilung und Behandlung von Depressionen im Jahr 2018/2019.