Internationale Konferenz zur Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Paarungsprogramm – Matchliste (1)

Paarung – Junior


Name: Leah Karliner
Titel: MD, Professor of Medicine
Institution: University of California San Francisco
Disziplin: Medizin
Langjährige Erfahrung: 22


Primärer methodischer Forschungsansatz:

  • Gesundheitskompetenz
  • Minderheiten/benachteiligte Bevölkerung
  • Beziehung zwischen Patient und Anbieter

Forschungsschwerpunkte im Bereich Kommunikation und Gesundheitswesen:

  • Umsetzungsforschung
  • Beobachtende Studien
  • (Quasi-)Erlebnisdesigns
  • RCT


Drei Schlüsselwörter, die Fachwissen und Interesse beschreiben:

  1. language access, applied research, primary care, health equity, older adults, clinical communication

Beschreibung des Fachgebiets, der Interessenschwerpunkte und der Beratungsthemen:

see keywords and bio

Kurze Biografie:

I am a primary care general internist, and a health services and practice-based researcher with a focus on evaluation and implementation of interventions to enhance quality care, clinical communication, and outcomes for diverse older adults. I am a national and internationally recognized expert on clinical communication and quality care delivery across language barriers. As the PI and Director of the NIA P30-funded UCSF Center for Aging in Diverse Communities (CADC), and Director of the UCSF Multiethnic Health Equity Research Center (MERC), I work with multi-disciplinary research teams focused on health equity.

As a primary care general internist and practice-based researcher, I have direct and extensive experience with conducting research with diverse clinical populations. I have successfully engaged in research studies with Chinese, Spanish and English speaking patients both in the acute hospital setting (as PI on a NIA funded R01) and in primary care settings (as PI on a PCORI), collaborated on an RCT of a tablet-based intervention for breast cancer risk assessment in primary care, and evaluated the components important to successful implementation of high quality language access services in health systems. As co-PI on a NIDDK R18 funded pragmatic RCT of an electronic health record-based clinical decision support tool for primary care physicians, I implemented and studied an intervention to improve chronic kidney disease care across diverse populations. I am currently co-I on a clinical trial focused on supporting caregivers of rural people with dementia, and on another clinical trial (eRADAR study) of an intervention to assess older patients at high risk for having undiagnosed dementia and feed-back that assessment information to their primary care physicians for further evaluation and diagnosis. I am additionally co-I on a contract from the California Department of Public Health focused on supporting dementia risk assessment and diagnosis in primary care, and on a contract from the Administration for Community Living focused on identifying and supporting caregivers as partners in clinical care teams.
