Vergleich von Chatbot-Antworten von Ärzten und künstlicher Intelligenz auf Patientenfragen, die in einem öffentlichen Social-Media-Forum gepostet wurden
With profound sorrow and heartfelt gratitude, EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare and the Clinic for Psychosomatics at the University Hospital Basel honor the…
pEACH statement 29.1.24 EACH statement on communication and public awareness in WHO pandemic agreement Communication in the next pandemic must be evidence-based EACH: International…
Australian members of EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare call for the Australian Centre for Disease Control to prioritise evidence-based approaches to communication in…
Please note that the abstract submission and registration deadline for the hybrid Semmelweis Medical Linguistics Conference (SMLC 2025) in Budapest has been extended. Please share with…
Enhance your research skills. Expand your network. Advance your career. Are you an early-career researcher in healthcare communication looking to refine your research project and…