SimCode / Siminoff Communication Content and Affect Program (SCCAP)


SimCode - SCAPP, Siminoff & Step 2011

Desarrolladores: Laura Siminoff, Mary M. Step

Año de publicacion: 2011

Fecha de la última revisión: 21 octubre 2019

Entorno en el que se desarrolló/validó originalmente la herramienta: 1) Breast cancer patient-provider conversations and 2) Requests for tissue from families of deceased patients

Restricción de entorno(s): Ninguno

Grupo objetivo: All healthcare provider-patient/family communication

Idioma(s): Inglés

Temas de herramientas:

Comportamiento comunicativo general / Comportamiento comunicativo general
Comportamientos persuasivos
Construyendo una relación
Responder a las solicitudes de información de los pacientes/responder a preguntas
Toma de decisiones compartida

Construcciones/comportamientos específicos:

Content; relational communication; decision-making; confirmation, disconfirmation, and persuasive behaviors; observer ratings of immediacy, speech, and affect

Tipos de datos requeridos para utilizar la herramienta: Grabaciones de vídeo, grabaciones de audio, transcripciones.

Aplicación prevista: Investigación

Referencias a los documentos de desarrollo/validación:

Siminoff, L. A., & Step, M. M. (2011). A comprehensive observational coding scheme for analyzing instrumental, affective, and relational communication in health care contexts. Journal of health communication, 16(2), 178-197.

Herramienta/manual disponible: Sí.

Descripción de la herramienta por el autor:

Clarification of tool name: What was previously known as the Siminoff Communication Content and Affect Program (SCCAP) has undergone significant technological revisions and is now known as SimCode. Because the changes were mainly programming updates rather than changes to the content or process, the previous papers citing SCCAP are still applicable.

A short training module (~40 minute video) is available by request that provides an overview of how to use SimCode. SimCode is an online program that needs to be hosted by the user's servers, and is usually used in an academic setting for research. Security requirements may vary by institution, but, as developed and hosted at Temple University, is completely HIPAA-compliant. Transcripts, but not audio or video, are uploaded to SimCode.

Información adicional sobre derechos de autor u otros asuntos: Copyright is pending.

Acceso: Público