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Nombre del mayor: Deborah Critoph
Disponibilidad: 1/3
Attending ICCH 2024: En persona

Emparejamiento - Júnior
Título: PhD student
Institución: University of Cambridge
Disciplina: Enfermería
Años de experiencia: 22


Estudiantes con los que trabajo:
  • Desarrollo Profesional Continuo
  • Enseñanza basada en el lugar de trabajo
Años que he trabajado en el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas: 9


Áreas de trabajo:
Métodos de búsqueda:

Palabras clave que describen experiencia e interés:
  1. Otro
  2. co-design
  3. continuous professional development
Campo de especialización, principales intereses y temas de consulta:

I am specifically in interesting in:
Building a relationship with young people, triadic communication and end of life care communication. Further details in the biography.


I am a registered general nurse who has specialised in adolescent and young adult cancer (AYAC). I was the first appointed young adult cancer nurse specialist in 2007. I worked with Dr Helen Hatcher to develop services from a standing start for Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust making it the first principal treatment centre for East Anglia. During this time, I completed a post graduate certificate in education (PGCE) and Masters in Young Adult Cancer Care at Coventry University and contributed as a lecturer on that course.

In 2015 I moved into clinical education and have been teaching clinical communication skills to undergraduate medical students and facilitating advanced communication skills to interdisciplinary professionals across the region. I also gained the status of fellow of higher education association (FHEA) and maintained clinical work as a late effects nurse specialist.

I am currently a Wellcome funded PhD student at Cambridge University combining my two areas of specialist interest: clinical communication and AYAC. I am researching triadic communication and aim to develop a training intervention in a large qualitative co-design study to educate healthcare professionals to communicate effectively with young people with cancer.
 E-mail:
 Twitter: @critoph_debbie
 Recent publications:

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