Shared decision making: research & teach (part 1)


16 mayo 2022    
9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Tipo de evento

The objective of this part of the course is to enable researchers to appraise, compare, apply, justify and interpret SDM research designs and methodology.

Al finalizar el curso, los participantes podrán:

  • Describir la amplitud de las definiciones de SDM (parte 1)
  • Understand the strengths and limitations of using certain research designs and measurement tools
  • Apply this knowledge to one’s own (proposed) SDM project

The course is directed towards researchers with some background in research on healthcare communication, and who have some prior knowledge on SDM but wish to explore (other) possible ways to research this topic.

Participation in SDM course part 1 is a prerequisite for this course.

Idioma: El curso se llevará a cabo en inglés y trataremos de dar cabida a los participantes para quienes el inglés no es su primer idioma.

As preparation for part 1 of the course, participants will be sent a synopsis of the theory and 2-3 papers on SDM. No additional preparation is required for the research course.


Arwen PieterseArwen Pieterse
Associate Professor in Medical Decision Making, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), The Netherlands
She was trained as a cognitive psychologist and obtained her PhD in 2005, investigating doctor-patient communication. She was Research fellow of the Dutch Cancer Society (2008-2011). Her most recent research work relates to doctor/patient treatment preferences, patient involvement in treatment decision making, and defining and measuring shared decision making. She received the 2018 Jozien Bensing research award from EACH and has been Associate editor of Patient Education and Counseling since 2017.


Marleen KunnemanMarleen Kunneman
Senior Researcher at the LUMC, The Netherlands and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic, USA
She was trained as a Clinical Linguist and obtained her PhD in Medicine, focusing on patient-clinician communication and shared decision making (SDM). She has a special interest in technical versus humanistic approaches of SDM, measurement with a wink, burden of patient involvement and making care fit in patients’ lives.


Leonie VisserLeonie Visser
Senior Researcher at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden in collaboration with the Alzheimer center Amsterdam at Amsterdam University Medical Centers, The Netherlands.
She has a background in Medical Psychology and obtained her PhD investigating medical communication in the oncology setting. Currently, her research focusses on the memory clinic setting, and SDM and risk communication in the context of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Annegrethe NielsenAnnegrethe Nielsen
University College Copenhague, Dinamarca
Annegrethe Nielsen, Ph.D, es profesora titular en el departamento de enfermería de la University College Copenhagen. Lleva más de 20 años enseñando habilidades comunicativas a estudiantes y profesionales de diversas profesiones sanitarias y es miembro del comité docente de EACH. Está especialmente interesada en las habilidades para la toma de decisiones compartida y en cómo enseñar e implementar esas habilidades en la práctica profesional.


Sarah Shepherdsara pastor
Profesor titular y director del programa de comunicación clínica de la Facultad de Medicina de Manchester, Universidad de Manchester, Reino Unido. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre toma de decisiones compartidas y comunicación médico-paciente. Actualmente forma educadores y enseña habilidades comunicativas en educación médica.



Ana Carvajal de la Torre.
Médico de Familia en Servicio Galego de Saude, España. Ha estado enseñando habilidades comunicativas a estudiantes de posgrado, residentes y otros profesionales de la salud durante más de 20 años. Miembro del comité docente de CADA. Actualmente Ph.D. estudiante sobre el tema de Toma de Decisiones Compartidas en el que está especialmente interesada.

Curso completo

El Toma de decisiones compartida El curso es un curso de dos partes que incorpora este curso y el Toma de decisiones compartida: investigación curso. También es posible asistir a la Toma de decisiones compartida: enseñar curso.  Part 1 is a requisite for attending part 2.

Solo parte 1: £90 para miembros, £115 para no miembros
Curso completo: 2 o 3 partes £120 socios, £155 no socios

Fechas del curso

Lunes 16 de mayo: Investigación y enseñanza de SDM, Parte 1 (3,5 horas)
Viernes 20 de mayo – Enseñanza de SDM Parte 2 (4,5 horas)
Martes 24 de mayo – Investigación SDM Parte 2 (4,5 horas)


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