The Health Professional-Geriatric Patient Interaction Behavior Rating Code
المطورين: R Adelson R., A Nasti, JN Sprafkin, R Marinelli, LH Primavera, BS Gorman
سنة النشر: 1982
Date last updated: 7 يونيو 2024
الإعداد الذي تم فيه تطوير/التحقق من صحة الأداة في الأصل: Geriatric care
القيود على الإعداد (الإعدادات): Aged patients: "to rate and score objectively those behaviors that are components of a positive interpersonal relating style with aged patients" = geriatric patients
المجموعة المستهدفة: Geriatric care
اللغات): إنجليزي
الترجمات (الترجمات):
بنيات / سلوكيات محددة:
1)Uses patient's name: whether first, last, or full name, and/or by whatever title patient prefers to be called
2)Banter: engages patient in conversation
3)Asks for feedback: gives choices, develops options for the patient, asks if something hurts or how it feels
4) Gives procedural information: warns patient of upcoming sensation, touch, taste, or smell.
5) Compensates for disabilities: adapts to patient's impairment, for example, loss of hearing, sight, or other physical disabilities.
6)Social touches: physical contact that is an expression of affection, comfort, reassurance, or concern, and not considered procedural.
7) Attends to patient comfort: expressesconcern for the patient's ease and is sensitive to the needs of the patient.
8)Amount of Appropriate Smiling: too little- adequate-very good
9)Pacing of Procedure
10) Pacing of Speech: too fast-too slow-just right
موضوعات الأداة:
تطبيق المقصود: بحث
المرجع (المراجع) إلى ورقة (أوراق) التطوير/المصادقة:
Adelson R, Nasti A, Sprafkin JN, Marinelli R, Primavera LH, Gorman BS. Behavioral Ratings of Health Professionals' Interactions with the Geriatric Patient. The Gerontologist. 1982 Jun;22(3):277-281.
Reference links:الأداة/الدليل متاح: لا. (N/A)