مباريات الاقتران

مباريات الاقتران

الاقتران - جونيور

معلومات اساسية

اسم: جانيت لاسي
عنوان: End of Life Care Nurse Practitioner
مؤسسة: John Hunter Hospital
تأديب: التمريض
سنوات من الخبرة: 30

تدريب المعلمين

  • المرحلة الجامعية
  • التطوير المهني المستمر


ثلاث كلمات رئيسية تصف الخبرة والاهتمام:
  1. End-of-life
وصف مجال الخبرة والاهتمامات الرئيسية وموضوعات الاستشارة:

Acute hospital environments, Acute care, critical care, end of life and palliative care, establishing goals of care, on the job training.

سيرة ذاتية مختصرة:

Jeanette Lacey is the End-of-life Care Nurse Practitioner at John Hunter, part of the Palliative and End of life care service, her role is to support those patients whose death may be expected during a hospital admission. Jeanette has worked in acute and critical care specialities for over 25 years and is passionate about improving health care communication and patient centred care, ensuring that end of life care experiences for patients and families are as reasonable as they can be. For the last 12 months Jeanette has worked on the implementation and guidelines for voluntary assisted dying in NSW. Jeanette aims to ensure that everyone can provide excellent end of life care as it is everyone’s business. Jeanette is a conjoint lecturer with the University of Newcastle predominantly teaching medical students in simulated role play environments.
