مباريات الاقتران

مباريات الاقتران

الاقتران - جونيور

معلومات اساسية

اسم: ديبرا كير
عنوان: Assoc Prof in Nursing
مؤسسة: Deakin University
تأديب: التمريض
سنوات من الخبرة: 30


منهج البحث المنهجي الأساسي:
  • العلاقة بين المريض ومقدم الخدمة
محور البحث في الاتصالات والرعاية الصحية:
  • بحوث التنفيذ
  • طرق مختلطة
  • الدراسات الرصدية
  • الأساليب النوعية
  • (شبه) التصاميم التجريبية
  • المضبوطة


ثلاث كلمات رئيسية تصف الخبرة والاهتمام:
  1. التمريض
وصف مجال الخبرة والاهتمامات الرئيسية وموضوعات الاستشارة:

The focus of my research is engagement with consumers and carers to improve quality and safety of healthcare. Specifically, through undertaking important, targeted, and high-quality research, it is my aim to achieve the following broad outcomes: 1) Improve the quality of nurses’ communication, 2) Enhance consumers’ and carers’ experience of healthcare, and, 3) Increase shared decision making between nurses and patients. Arising from concerns about the method of teaching communication skills to nurses which is modelled on medical education, I have embarked on a new area of research in collaboration with national and international experts. In the preliminary study which I led (‘The effectiveness of training interventions on nurses’ communication skills: A systematic review’), we determined that there is a scarcity of evidence for the effectiveness of communication skills training programs for nurses, particularly in general medical/surgical ward settings. In a qualitative study, ‘Challenges for nurses when communicating with people who have life-limiting illness and their families: A focus group study’, we identified that nurses lack confidence and a comprehensive understanding of the full repertoire of skills that can be used when communicating with individuals with life limiting illness. In response to these findings, a multidisciplinary team developed a nurse-specific training program – the ‘Communication Skills Training Program for Nurses’. In the study ‘Responding to nurses’ communication challenges: evaluating a blended learning program for communication knowledge and skills for nurses’, we were able to evidence an improvement in knowledge and confidence for nurses’ communication.

سيرة ذاتية مختصرة:
