المؤتمر الدولي للاتصال في مجال الرعاية الصحية (ICCH 2024) chevron_right



أنيليس ديكلويت



Primary Role

ممثل وطني – نائب


Ghent, Belgium

Biography - Exec

After graduation as an equine veterinarian in 2008, I completed a PhD at Ghent University in the field of equine cardiology, with a focus on new techniques for echocardiography. Since 2012, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders. In 2015, I was appointed as assistant professor in veterinary clinical and communication skills at Ghent University. With regard to clinical skills, I was responsible for the development of the skills laboratory which was introduced in 2016. I also developed the communication skills curriculum for the veterinary students, consisting of lectures and practical exercises including peer role play and role play with simulated clients. My research topic of interest is veterinarian-client communication, in particular challenges encountered during daily consultations such as dealing with questions about alternative medicine or motivating clients.
