tEACHers’ Lounge – Feedback Kidney Model

موعد المناسبة

25 يونيو 2024    
6:00 م - 7:00 م

نوع الحدث

Dr Katherine Miles and Dr Shuangyu Li will present the recently published ‘Feedback Kidney Model’ for clinical communication education through simulation. They will discuss how the model can be used to help educators understand learners’ professional development through feedback interactions. The model can also be used as a framework guiding educational research to evaluate and understand feedback processes.

Effective feedback from both peer learners and facilitators increases inclusivity, engagement and knowledge retention, leading towards improved communication and thus patient outcomes. Nevertheless, divergent approaches to managing feedback during the live session result in varied student experiences. This is partially due to the limited research on feedback, most of which describes the feedback as a unidirectional information transmission. The Kidney Model hopefully provides more clarity over the issue and invites more experimentation and research to explore the application of this model in different educational contexts.


Dr. Shuangyu Li   PhD, SFHEA. Reader in Clinical Communication & Cultural Competency

Dr Shuangyu Li is a dedicated educationist and researcher with over 15 years of experience in clinical communication and cultural competency in medicine and healthcare. He has played a significant role in driving forward cultural competency and diversity education in the UK medical education. Dr Li has developed substantial modules and subjects in one of the largest medical schools in the UK, and holds strategic leadership roles both at King’s College London and nationally. He is committed to enabling a collaborative, co-creative and empowering approach to education and research.

As a trained conversation analyst, Dr Li researches clinical consultations with language and cultural discordances, especially interpreter-mediated medical consultations. He is interested in an interdisciplinary and multimodal approach to interactional analysis of diversity issues, particularly around how inclusion and empowerment are implemented in clinical communication and experiential learning. Dr Li is the senior author of the ‘Feedback Kidney Model’ article, and the primary supervisor of Dr Miles’s doctoral study on feedback in clinical communication simulation.

Dr. Katherine Miles   MB, BChir, MMedEd

  • Clinical Communication Facilitator
  • Founding Director of The Hashemite University Medical Education Center

Dr Katherine Miles is a medical doctor trained at the University of Cambridge and has extensive experience in clinical communication and clinical skills education in universities across the Middle East and the UK. She is the founding director of The Hashemite University Medical Education Center, the first medical education hub in Jordan. She developed The Hashemite University Clinical Skills Curriculum for medical students and numerous professional development workshops for health professionals. Dr Miles initiated and chaired the first medical education symposium in Jordan focused on medical education challenges and possibilities in Jordan and beyond.

Dr Miles’s current doctoral studies at King’s College London is using video-reflexive ethnography to explore medical students’ experiences of feedback during clinical communication simulation. This sets the foundation of the ‘Feedback Kidney Model’, for which she is the first author. Dr Miles has a keen interest in translating research into practice to empower learners. Her research interests include advancements and innovation in medical education and cultural competency.


Time shown is BST

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