Conferencia Internacional sobre Comunicación en Salud (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Partidos de emparejamiento

Partidos de emparejamiento

Emparejamiento - Júnior

Información básica

Nombre: Arwen Pieterse
Título: Associate professor
Institución: Centro médico de la Universidad de Leiden
Disciplina: Estudios de comunicacion
Años de experiencia: 20


Enfoque metodológico primario de la investigación:
  • Oncología
  • Relación paciente-proveedor
Enfoque de la investigación en comunicación y salud:
  • Delphi y los métodos de búsqueda de consenso
  • Estudios observacionales
  • Métodos cualitativos


Tres palabras clave que describen experiencia e interés:
  1. toma de decisiones compartida
Descripción del campo de especialización, intereses principales y temas de consulta:

Defining and assessing observed and perceived shared decision making, as well as related topics (e.g., information provision, implicit persuasion, role of time in patient involvement, patient readiness for shared decision making). Interested in what clinicians need to involve patients.

Breve biografía:

Arwen H. Pieterse, PhD is Associate professor in person-centered care at Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands, and Visiting professor at the University of Oslo, Norway. She obtained her PhD from Utrecht University, The Netherlands in 2005 on a study assessing communication in genetic counselling. She was Research fellow of the Dutch Cancer Society (2008-2011). She is/has been PI on several grants for multicenter studies to study doctor-patient communication during decision consultations, measuring shared decision making, and determinants of patient involvement in decision making. Most of her research focuses on cancer treatment decision making. She received the 2018 Jozien Bensing award from the International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH). She is Associate editor of Patient Education and Counseling since 2017, and has (co-) authored >100 peer-reviewed international papers. She chaired the 2022 ICCH conference, Glasgow, UK.
