Lista de emparejamiento

Lista de emparejamiento

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Nombre del mayor: Inge Henselmans
Disponibilidad: 1/3
Attending ICCH 2024: En persona

Emparejamiento - Júnior
Título: Assistant professor
Institución: Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam
Disciplina: Psicología
Años de experiencia: 15


Estudiantes con los que trabajo:
  • De licenciatura
  • Postgrado
  • Desarrollo Profesional Continuo
  • Diseño/desarrollo curricular
  • Métodos de enseñanza experiencial (por ejemplo, juego de roles)
  • Pacientes simulados
Años que he trabajado en el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas: 15


Áreas de trabajo:
  • Cuidados paliativos/final de la vida
  • Oncología
Métodos de búsqueda:
  • Estudios observacionales
  • Diseños (cuasi) experienciales
  • ECA
  • Análisis de vídeo

Palabras clave que describen experiencia e interés:
  1. Advanced Cancer
  2. Toma de decisiones compartida
Campo de especialización, principales intereses y temas de consulta:

Consultation topics:
– Development and evaluation of the effects of communication skills training
– Research on communication about prognosis in advanced disease
– Topics related to Shared Decision Making
– Methods, e.g., coding observational data or the use of Standardized Patient Assesments in research
– Teaching communication skills in Medical School, Medical Specialist Training or training as part of Continous Medical Education


Dr. Inge Henselmans is an assistant professor at the department of Medical Psychology of the Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She earned a master degree (2003) in Social Psychology with minors in Health and Clinical Psychology. After graduation, she was involved in research projects in different health care organizations. She earned her doctorate degree (2009) with a PhD thesis on the psychological well-being of women with breast cancer at the Health Psychology section of the University Medical Center, Groningen. She received a personal career-development grant from the Dutch Cancer Society in 2009, and again in 2013. Since, she has supervised research projects on (training in) shared decision making and prognostic communication in (palliative) cancer care. In addition, she coordinates the communication skills curriculum of the Medical School of the University of Amsterdam. Publciations: