Patient-centred Interviewing: App

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Tool focus: What to teach

Communication topics:
Patient perspective
Shared decision making

Type of tool: Other

Language: English

Purpose of tool:
How does the App work? Every chapter opens with a QuickScan which contains a number of tips. The text which comes after the QuickScan more or less follows the order of a typical consultation. You start out by joining, trying to align yourself with the patient verbally and non-verbally. You finish by bringing the interview to a conclusion. There is an art to doing this well. Each chapter contains examples of what you might say.

Brief description:
The app is based on my two books Patient-centered Communication in Medical Practice (deTijdstroom, 2010) and Patient-centered Communication in Mental Health Care (deTijdstroom, 2013). These books are based on a wide variaty of literature, among others on the books of Jonathan Silverman, Kurtz and Draper.

A. Communication with patients:
Patient perspective, Shared decision making

B. Intra- & interpersonal communication (professionalism & reflection):

C. Communication in healthcare teams (professional communication):

Access: Public

Your name and work address, and co-authors and addresses:Remke van Staveren