Internationale conferentie over communicatie in de gezondheidszorg (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Koppelprogramma – Seniorenlijst

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Naam senior: Jennifer Anderson
Beschikbaarheid: 0/3
ICCH 2024 bijwonen: Persoonlijk

Koppelen - Junior

Titel: Professor
Instelling: South Dakota State University
Discipline: Communicatie studie
Jarenlange ervaring: 16



  • Houdingen
  • Minderheden/achtergestelde bevolking
  • Berichtontwerp
  • stigma, women’s health, reproductive justice


  • Gemengde methoden
  • Kwalitatieve methoden
  • (Quasi-)ervaringsgerichte ontwerpen
  • surveys, community-based participatory research, advocacy

Trefwoorden die expertise en interesse beschrijven:

  1. stigma
  2. advocacy

Expertisegebied, grote belangen en overlegonderwerpen:

I’ve been in the field of health communication since 2008. My research has focused on women’s health, stigma, and advocacy. For example, I partnered with local health care providers to increase breastfeeding rates in our community. We created public dialogue and held a public deliberation to identify the barriers to breastfeeding, and realized that the biggest barrier wasn’t lack of knowledge or efficacy, but that women didn’t feel comfortable, welcomed, or supported to breastfeed when and where they needed to (in public, at work, etc.). We received funding from local and regional foundations for those projects. I was also a PI on an NIH grant looking at palliative care among Native Americans. In general, I’m most interested in, and would LOVE to consult about, women’s health, vulnerable and underserved populations, stigmatized health conditions, and partnering with health care experts to advocate for better health outcomes from a broad, ecological perspective (rather than a more clinical focus).


Dr. Jenn Anderson (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is a Professor in the School of Communication & Journalism at South Dakota State University, USA. She has received over $600,000 in grants to support her research, primarily in the areas of women’s health, reaching vulnerable and underserved populations, and addressing stigmatized health issues. She has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles or chapters in leading publications such as the Journal of Human Lactation, Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Translational Behavioral Medicine, Health Promotion and Practice, the International Encyclopedia for Health Communication, the International Journal of Communication & Health, Qualitative Health Research, Women’s Health, and Health Psychology. She is also a member of the ICA-EACH Partnership that connects academic researchers with expert practitioners to create robust opportunities for improving health communication in a variety of contexts. She is also a member of the International Communication Association, National Communication Association, and Central States Communication Association Health Communication Divisions.

Her Health Communication textbook, “Health Communication: Principles, Perspectives, and Possibilities,” will be released in Spring 2025. It spans the entire field of health communication, with unique chapters on embodiment, misinformation, advocacy, and wicked problems in health, in addition to chapters on traditional topics such as patient-provider communication and health communication campaigns. The book features underrepresented, emerging, and non-U.S. scholars & scholarship as often as possible.

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