International konference om kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Parringsprogram – Seniorliste

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Seniors navn: Charlotte Albury
Tilgængelighed: 0/3
Deltager i ICCH 2024: Personligt

Parring - Junior

Titel: Associate professor
Institution: University of Oxford
Disciplin: Anthropology/Sociology
Års erfaring: 9



  • kommunikation mellem patient og udbyder


  • Kvalitative metoder
  • Systematisk litteraturgennemgang
  • Video analyse
  • samtaleanalyse

Nøgleord, der beskriver ekspertise og interesse:

  1. Communication about health behaviours
  2. primary care/general practice

Ekspertområde, store interesser og høringsemner:

I am a medical anthropologist specialising in qualitative research methods, particularly conversation analysis. I am interested in using qualitative methods to explore how communication in clinical settings supports changes to health behaviours.
I currently hold a Themed Fellowship, from the THIS Institute, and lead a series of externally funded projects to explore communication about weight loss in primary care.

My research has contributed to national guidelines, and I have advised government and policy makers. I am a member of the NICE Adoption and Impact Reference Panel, and an honorary member of the University of Oxford’s Faculty of Linguistics. In 2022 I was the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) Principal Investigator of the Year.

I currently lead a 3-year British Heart Foundation funded project developing evidence and training in communication about weight loss in primary care; and a 2 year NHIR PrP project to understand communication between people living with obesity and healthy weight coaches, and hold a personal THIS institute EDI-themed fellowship where I am examining how to improve prevention discussions between primary care staff and people with multiple long term conditions.


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