rEACH connectivity webinar – Health professionals as influencers? Challenges in the development of a code of conduct.

rEACH connectivity webinar

Health professionals as influencers? Challenges in the development of a code of conduct.


Sara Rubinelli
DepaSara Rubinellirtment of Health Sciences and Medicine
University of Lucerne, Switzerland

By relying on examples from COVID_19 infodemics, this webinar discusses the case of health professionals who became or aspire to become influencers on the social networks. Health professionals can be very persuasive in communicating about topics within their expertise. However, the pandemic has shown that a code of conduct would help dealing with cases where mis-disinformation spread because of health professionals’ proclaims.

Date/Time 27 May 2022 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Type